Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 2.iso
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Text File
1,200 lines
('Welcome to GNU Smalltalk [', Version, ']
This file contains a wealth of goodies, not all packaged neatly.
It sort of grows by accretion, so you''re likely to find most
anything in here.' ) printNl.
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
"| q |
q _ SharedQueue new.
q nextPut: 'foo'.
q nextPut: 'bar'.
q next printNl.
q next printNl.
q next printNl ""Should print no-runnable-proceses""
Object withAllSubclasses do:
[ :subclass | (subclass name notNil and: [ subclass comment isNil ])
ifTrue: [ subclass name print.
' has no comment.' printNl ]
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
!Object methodsFor: 'testing'!
| x |
x _ [ :dummy | "thisContext inspect.
Smalltalk backtrace."
thisContext backit ].
" x inspect."
x value: 3
| n context |
n _ 0.
context _ thisContext.
[ context notNil ] whileTrue: [ n _ n + 1. context _ context parentContext ].
context _ thisContext.
n to: 1 by: -1 do:
[ :i | context receiver print.
'>>' print.
context selector printNl.
context _ context parentContext ].
!BlockContext methodsFor: 'debugging'!
self inspect.
caller notNil
ifTrue: [ caller callers ]
^'[] in ', home class name
!MethodContext methodsFor: 'debugging'!
self inspect.
sender notNil
ifTrue: [ sender callers ]
^receiver class name
3 test!
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
"| count |
SymbolTable do:
[ :elt | elt printString.
"Character nl print
count _ 0.
elt notNil ifTrue: [ elt do: [ :x | count _ count + 1 ]].
count timesRepeat: [ 'x' print ].
Character nl print" ] !
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
"| d days |
d _ Date new.
1 to: 70 do:
[ :year | days _ year * 365.
days - 5 to: days + 5 do:
[ :i | d setDays: i.
d printString ] ]
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!"
Date edit: #computeDateParts:!
"| pipe |
pipe _ FileStream popen: 'lpr -Pelab' dir: 'w'.
FileStream fileOutOn: pipe.
FileStream class fileOutOn: pipe.
pipe close!"
| d days |
d _ Date new.
1 to: 70 do:
[ :year | days _ year * 365.
'----------' printNl.
days - 5 to: days + 5 do:
[ :i | d setDays: i.
d printNl ] ]
Date today printNl!
| f |
f _ ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 0).
'foo on you' printOn: f.
f position: 3.
'123456789' printOn: f.
f skip: -1.
f next printNl.
f contents printNl.
f reset.
'test[]' printOn: f.
f contents printNl!
16r3F0000000 printNl!
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
!Date methodsFor: 'rambo'!
computeDateParts: aBlock
| yearInteger tempDays monthIndex daysInMonth |
tempDays _ days - (days // 1460) "4*365"
+ (days // 36500) "100*365"
- (days // 146000). "400*365"
yearInteger _ tempDays // 365.
tempDays _ days - (yearInteger * 365)
- (yearInteger // 4)
+ (yearInteger // 100)
- (yearInteger // 400)
+ 1.
yearInteger _ yearInteger + 1901.
monthIndex _ 1.
[ monthIndex < 12
and: [ daysInMonth _ Date daysInMonthIndex: monthIndex
forYear: yearInteger.
tempDays > daysInMonth ] ] whileTrue:
[ monthIndex _ monthIndex + 1.
tempDays _ tempDays - daysInMonth ].
^aBlock value: yearInteger value: monthIndex value: tempDays
| d days |
d _ Date new.
1 to: 70 do:
[ :year | days _ year * 365.
'----------' printNl.
days - 5 to: days + 5 do:
[ :i | d setDays: i.
d printNl ] ]
Date today printNl!
| f |
f _ ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 0).
'foo on you' printOn: f.
f position: 3.
'123456789' printOn: f.
f skip: -1.
f next printNl.
f contents printNl.
f reset.
'test[]' printOn: f.
f contents printNl!
16r3F0000000 printNl!
| d days |
d _ Date new.
1 to: 70 do:
[ :year | days _ year * 365.
'----------' printNl.
days - 3 to: days + 10 do:
[ :i | d setDays: i.
d printNl ] ]
Date today printNl!
| f |
f _ ReadWriteStream on: (String new: 0).
'foo on you' printOn: f.
f position: 3.
'123456789' printOn: f.
f skip: -1.
f next printNl.
f contents printNl.
f reset.
'test[]' printOn: f.
f contents printNl!
Object withAllSubclasses do:
[ :aClass | aClass fileOutOn: stdout ]!
!Bag methodsFor: 'enumerating the elements of a collection'!
occurrencesOf: anObject
^contents at: anObject ifAbsent: [ ^0 ]
| count |
count _ 0.
contents printNl.
contents do: [ :element | count _ count + element ].
do: aBlock
contents associationsDo:
[ :assoc | assoc value printNl
" assoc value timesRepeat: [ aBlock value: assoc key ]" ]
| b |
b _ Bag new.
(b occurrencesOf: 'foo' ) printNl.
b size printNl.
b basicSize printNl.
b add: 'foo'.
b add: 'bar'.
b add: 'quem.'.
b do: [ :value | 'value is ' print. value printNl ]
!ClassDescription methodsFor: 'filing'!
fileOutOn: aFileStream
| categories |
categories _ Bag new.
methodDictionary do:
[ :method | categories add: (method methodCategory) ].
'categories....' printNl.
categories inspect.
categories do:
[ :category | category printNl "self emitCategory: category toStream: aFileStream" ]
!ClassDescription methodsFor: 'private'!
emitCategory: category toStream: aFileStream
' methodsFor: ''' printOn: aFileStream.
category printOn: aFileStream.
' printOn: aFileStream.
methodDictionary do:
[ :method | (method methodCategory) = category
ifTrue: [ method methodSourceString
printOn: aFileStream.
' printOn: aFileStream ] ].
' printOn: aFileStream
Object fileOutOn: stdout!
"Boolean selectors do: [ :selectors | selectors printNl ].
after ' printNl.
Boolean copyCategory: 'basic' from: True.
Boolean selectors do: [ :selectors | selectors printNl ]!"
"| method newMethod |
method _ CompiledMethod compiledMethodAt: #bytecodeAt:.
'Original' printNl.
method inspect.
Cheap imitation' printNl.
newMethod _ Object copy: #bytecodeAt:
from: CompiledMethod
classified: 'rambo'.
(Object compiledMethodAt: #bytecodeAt:) methodCategory printNl.
method methodCategory printNl
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!"
"| j |
j _ 0.
1 to: 20000 do: [ :i | j _ j + i ]!
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!"
"Smalltalk gcMessage: false!"
!ClassDescription methodsFor: 'test'!
| mySubclasses |
self name printNl.
instanceVariables notNil
ifTrue: [ 'Instance variables: ' print.
instanceVariables do: [ :var | var print.
' ' print ].
Character nl print].
'-----------------------------------------------' printNl.
self selectors asSortedCollection do:
[ :selector |
(self compiledMethodAt: selector) methodSourceString printNl.
'' printNl ].
mySubclasses _ self subclasses asSortedCollection:
[ :a :b | (a name isNil or: [ b name isNil ])
ifTrue: [ true ]
ifFalse: [ a name <= b name ] ].
mySubclasses do:
[ :subclass | subclass class ~~ Metaclass
ifTrue: [ subclass printSubclassMethods ] ]
Object printSubclassMethods!
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
!Collection methodsFor: 'test'!
self asSortedCollection do:
[ :element | ' ' print. element printNl ]
Smalltalk at: #BasicClassSelectors put: Class allSelectors!
!Behavior methodsFor: 'test'!
| sels |
sels _ self allSelectors.
sels removeAll: self selectors.
sels printSorted
| sels |
sels _ self allSelectors.
sels removeAll: BasicClassSelectors.
sels printSorted
Smalltalk monitor: true.
Class printInheritedSelectors.
Smalltalk monitor: false.
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!"
"MetaClass allInstancesDo: [ :inst | '------------' print.
inst print.
inst printNewSelectors.
'' print ] !"
"| selectorSet newSelectors |
selectorSet _ Set new.
Object withAllSubclasses do:
[ :subclass | newSelectors _ subclass selectors.
'-----------------' print.
subclass print.
newSelectors printSorted.
'' print.
selectorSet addAll: newSelectors ].
'****************' print.
'The set of selectors is...' print.
selectorSet size print.
selectorSet do: [ :elt | elt print ]
'LIVE' printNl!
(Object withAllSubclasses asSortedCollection:
[ :a :b | (a name isNil or: [ b name isNil ])
ifTrue: [ true ]
ifFalse: [ a name <= b name ] ])
[ :subclass |
subclass class ~~ Metaclass
ifTrue: [ '------------------------------------------' printNl.
subclass printNl.
'inherited selectors' printNl.
subclass printInheritedSelectors.
'' printNl ]
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
('foo' match: 'foo') printNl.
('foo' match: 'FoO') printNl.
('#oo' match: 'Foo') printNl.
('###' match: 'que') printNl.
'should be false ' print. ('###' match: 'quem') printNl.
'should be false ' print. ('###' match: 'bo') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('* string' match: 'any string') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('*.st' match: 'filename.st') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('foo.*' match: 'foo.bar') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('foo.*' match: 'foo.') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('*' match: 'foo.') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('*' match: '') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('***' match: '') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('*.st' match: '.st') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('*#*' match: '.st') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('*#*' match: '.s') printNl.
'should be true ' print. ('*#*' match: 's') printNl.
'should be false ' print. ('*.st' match: '.s') printNl.
'should be false ' print. ('*#*' match: '') printNl!
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
| j |
j _ 0.
1 to: 1000 do:
[ :i | j _ j + i ]!
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
300 timesRepeat:
[ String new: 20000 ].
'Foo ' printNl!
"Smalltalk quitPrimitive!"
!Object methodsFor: 'testing'!
^1 + 2
!Symbol methodsFor: 'testing'!
^1 + 2
((Object compiledMethodAt: #quem) = (Object compiledMethodAt: #quem)) printNl."
(LinkedList compiledMethodAt: #addLast:) inspect.
(CompiledMethod compiledMethodAt: #inspect) inspect.
(Integer compiledMethodAt: #+) inspect.
(Stream compiledMethodAt: #next) methodSourceString printNl!
(LinkedList compiledMethodAt: #addLast:) methodSourceString printNl!
Smalltalk at: #quem put: (['foo' printNl. Processor yield ] newProcess)!
Smalltalk at: #proc2 put: (['process2' printNl. Processor yield.
'Hi again from proc 2' printNl. Processor yield ] newProcess)!
['process3' printNl. Processor yield ] fork!
quem resume.
proc2 resume!
'Yielding...' printNl.
Processor yield!
"proc2 terminate."
'Back to main' printNl.
Processor yield.
'Back to main from second yield' printNl.
Smalltalk at: #rambo
put: ([ :arg1 :arg2 | arg2 printNl". Processor yield" ]
newProcessWith: #('foo on you' 'and your mother'))!
rambo resume!
Processor yield!
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
!Object methodsFor: 'debugging'!
!Behavior methodsFor: 'test'!
!ClassDescription methodsFor: 'debug'!
| instVarNames instVars instVal |
instanceVariables printNl.
instVarNames _ self instanceVariableString.
instVars _ (TokenStream on: instVarNames) contents.
self printNl.
1 to: instVars size do:
[ :i | ' ' print.
(instVars at: i) print.
': ' print.
instVal _ self instVarAt: i.
(instVal isKindOf: Dictionary)
ifTrue: [ instVal printNl "'a ' print.
instVal class print.
' with ' print.
instVal size print.
' elements' printNl" ]
ifFalse: [ instVal printNl ] ]
!Metaclass class methodsFor: 'basic'!
!Metaclass methodsFor: 'basic'!
| newMeta |
newMeta _ Metaclass subclassOf: Object class.
(newMeta class whichClassIncludesSelector: #new) printNl.
newMeta name: 'Rambo'
environment: Smalltalk
subclassOf: Object
instanceVariableNames: 'john paul george
ringo '
variable: false
words: true
pointers: true
classVariableNames: 'charlie davey'
poolDictionaries: ''
category: ''
comment: 'no comment'
changed: false ".
newMeta print"!
Collection inspect!
Rambo inspect!
Rambo new inspect!
"Smalltalk system: 'mail jb'!
Smalltalk system: 'ls -lt *.st'!"
"12500000000000000000000000000000000.0 print.
0.0625 print.
0.125 print.
0.25 print.
0.5 print.
0.12345678901234 print.
0.0 print.
1.0 print.
2.0 print.
3345678912345678.0 print!"
"Behavior defineCFunc: 'marli'
withSelectorArgs: 'doMarli: anInteger'
forClass: Object
returning: #void
args: #(int).
nil doMarli: 3!"
"| addr |
addr _ Memory addressOf: 'Quem? and your mother'.
(WordMemory at: addr) print. Character nl print.
addr _ addr + 8.
(Character value: (ByteMemory at: addr)) print.
Character nl print
"(ByteMemory at: 16r2000) print. Character nl print.
(ByteMemory at: 16r2001) print. Character nl print.
(ByteMemory at: 16r2002) print. Character nl print.
(ByteMemory at: 16r2003) print. Character nl print!"
| l |
l _ LinkedList new.
l add: (Link new).
l add: (Link new).
l add: (Link new).
l store
"3.5 print. ' ' print!
3.5e5 print. ' ' print!"
"!Object methodsFor: 'test'!"
Object compile: (FileStream open: 'test.st' mode: 'r')"
" Object compile: 'rambo ''Hi there'' print'"
"nil testComp.
nil rambo!
| d |
Smalltalk monitor: true.
d _ Date new.
10000 to: 10050 do:
[ :i | d setDays: i.
d storeString.
"Character nl print" ]
. Smalltalk monitor: false
| s |
"Smalltalk monitor: true."
s _ Bag new.
s add: #quem.
s add: #zoneball.
s add: #quem.
s add: #juma withOccurrences: 20.
s print.
s store.
" s add: #quem.
s add: #juma."
" s add: 12345.
'after adding ' print."
" s add: 'wont you please break that record' ."
" s add: $c."
s printOn: stdout.
stdout nextPut: Character nl.
s storeOn: stdout
". Smalltalk monitor: false"
"| f |
f _ FileStream open: 'foo.test' mode: 'w'.
f nextPutAll: 'this is a test of your mother'.
f nextPut: Character nl.
f close
| f |
f _ FileStream open: 'foo.test' mode: 'r'.
[ f atEnd ] whileFalse:
[ f next print ].
f position: 0.
[ f atEnd ] whileFalse:
[ f next print ].
f close
!Set methodsFor: 'testing'!
1 to: self basicSize do: [ :i | 'at ' print.
i print.
(self basicAt: i) print. ]
findNilBefore: index
"Finds the first nil element before index and returns the index of that
nil. If there is no nil element, index is returned."
| size count i |
count _ size _ self basicSize.
i _ index.
[ count > 0 ]
[ i _ i - 2 \\ size + 1. "step backward w/wrap through elements"
(self basicAt: i) isNil ifTrue: [ ^i ].
count _ count - 1 ].
^index + 1
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
!Collection methodsFor: 'test'!
self asSortedCollection do:
[ :element | element print ]
Smalltalk at: #BasicClassSelectors put: Class allSelectors!
!Behavior methodsFor: 'test'!
| sels |
sels _ self allSelectors.
sels removeAll: self selectors.
sels printSorted
| sels |
sels _ self allSelectors.
sels removeAll: BasicClassSelectors.
sels printSorted
"Smalltalk monitor: true.
Class printInheritedSelectors.
Smalltalk monitor: false.
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!"
"MetaClass allInstancesDo: [ :inst | '------------' print.
inst print.
inst printNewSelectors.
'' print ] !"
| selectorSet newSelectors |
selectorSet _ Set new.
Object withAllSubclasses do:
[ :subclass | newSelectors _ subclass selectors.
'-----------------' print.
subclass print.
newSelectors printSorted.
'' print.
selectorSet addAll: newSelectors ].
'****************' print.
'The set of selectors is...' print.
selectorSet size print.
selectorSet do: [ :elt | elt print ]
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
(Object withAllSubclasses "asSortedCollection:
[ :a :b | (a name isNil or: [ b name isNil ])
ifTrue: [ true ]
ifFalse: [ a name <= b name ] ]")
[ :subclass |
subclass class ~~ MetaClass
ifTrue: [ '------------------------------------------' print.
subclass print.
'inherited selectors' print.
subclass printInheritedSelectors.
'' print ]
!Object methodsFor: 'test'!
self do: [ :element | element print ]
"counter | i total |
total _ i _ 0.
[i <= self] whileTrue:
[ total _ total + i.
i _ i + 1 ].
timer | i |
i _ 0.
[i < self] whileTrue: [ i _ i + 1 ]
| sum |
sum _ 0.
1 to: self do: [ :i | sum _ sum + i ].
^12 factorial
!Integer methodsFor: 'test'!
self > 0 ifTrue: [ self * (self - 1) factorial ]
ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'factorial of a small number' ]
^Symbol allInstances size!
Smalltalk quitPrimitive!
"^Date yearAsDays: 1904!
1850 to: 2050 do:
[ :year | year print.
(Date leapYear: year) print ]!"
| s |
s _ WriteStream on: (String new: 0).
s nextPutAll: 'name'.
s tab.
s nextPutAll: 'city'.
s reset.
s nextPutAll: 'foo'.
s setToEnd.
s nl.
s nextPutAll: 'quem?'.
s workingSize print.
^s contents
| s str|
str _ WriteStream on: (String new: 5).
s _ #(foo bar baz quem juma zoneball).
s do: [ :sym | str nextPutAll: sym , ' ' ].
^str contents
" s _ s inject: '' into: [ :str :atom | str , atom , ' ' ].
s size print.
s grow.
s size print.
s print"
| t |
t _ #(foo bar baz).
t _ t , #(quem juma).
t do: [ :element | element print ]!
Smalltalk at: #children put: SortedCollection new!
^children add: #Joe!
^children add: #Bill!
^children add: #Alice!
^children printElements!
^children add: #Sam!
^(children sortBlock: [ :a :b | a > b ]) printElements!
^children add: #Henrietta!
^children printElements!
| t |
t _ SortedCollection new.
t add: 'foo'.
t add: 'bar'.
t add: 'dinner'.
t add: 'in'.
t add: 'the'.
t add: 'diner'.
t add: 'nothing'.
t add: 'could'.
t add: 'be'.
t add: 'finer'.
"1 to: t size do: [ :i | i print. (t at: i ) print ]."
t sortBlock: [ :a :b | a > b ].
1 to: t size do: [ :i | i print. (t at: i ) print ].
600 to: 1000 do:
[ :i | i print.
i asObject print ]!
^(Bag with: #foo with: #foo ) occurrencesOf: #foo!
Smalltalk at: #Test put: Dictionary new.
Smalltalk at: #X put: 0!
X _ Bag new!
^X occurrencesOf: 3!
^X add: 3!
Test at: #jeff put: 1.
Test at: #steve put: 5.
Test at: #jiz put: 99!
^Test at: #jeff!
^Test at: #steve!
^Test at: #jiz!
X _ Test collect: [ :elt | elt * 2 ]!
^X occurrencesOf: 1!
^X occurrencesOf: 2!
^X occurrencesOf: 5!
^X occurrencesOf: 10!
^X occurrencesOf: 99!
^X occurrencesOf: 99*2!
^X size!
^Test at: #blockA put: [ 'this is a test' ]!
^Test at: #blockB put: [ 'hello from block b' ]!
^Test at: #juma put: 'hello jeff!!!'!
^Test size!
^Test at: #juma!
^(Test at: #blockB) value!
^(Test at: #blockA) value!
^Test removeKey: #juma!
^Test size!
^Test removeKey: #juma!
"^Test _ Bag new!
^Test add: #quem!
^Test size!
^Test basicSize!
^Test _ Set new!
^Test basicSize!
^Test findObjectIndex: #foo!
^Test species!
^Test add: #quem!
^Test add: #juma!
^Test size!
^Test grow!
^Test add: #juma2!
^Test add: #juma3!
^Test size!
^Test basicSize!
^Test findObjectIndex: #juma2!
^Test remove: #juma2!
^Test findObjectIndex: #juma2!
^Test basicAt: (Test findObjectIndex: #juma2)!
^Test size!
^Test occurrencesOf: #juma2!
^Test occurrencesOf: #juma3!
^Test remove: #juma2!"
"^3 * 4.0!
^Float pi!
^'QuemonYour:Mother:' asSymbol!
^3 zoneball!
^#FoobarOnYouBar asUppercase!
^[] value!
^3 count2!
^4 count2!"
!Object methodsFor: 'test'!
| d |
d _ Dictionary new.
d at: #foo put: #bar.
d at: #quem put: #juma.
d at: #barf put: 'your mama'.
^d at self
"Smalltalk at: #poolDict1 put: Dictionary new!
Smalltalk at: #poolDict2 put: Dictionary new!
poolDict1 at: #pd1foo put: 'foo'!
poolDict1 at: #pd1bar put: #bar!
poolDict2 at: #pd2baz put: 'bazola'!
poolDict2 at: #pd2barn put: #fred!
Object subclass: #Rambo
instanceVariableNames: 'foo bar'
classVariableNames: 'guinea pigs'
poolDictionaries: 'poolDict1'
category: ''!
!Rambo methodsFor: 'test'!
pd1foo _ 3.
^pd1bar testMessage: pd2barn + pd2baz
foo _ 3.
bar _ 7.
^foo + bar
initPigs: guineaArg and: pigsArg
guinea _ guineaArg.
pigs _ pigsArg
Rambo subclass: #Rocky
instanceVariableNames: 'quem juma'
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: 'poolDict2'
category: ''!
!Rocky methodsFor: 'test'!
pd1foo _ 3.
^pd1bar testMessage: pd2barn + pd2baz
foo _ 12.
bar _ 3.
^foo + bar
quem: arg
quem _ arg
juma: arg
juma _ arg
"Smalltalk at: #testVar put: Rambo new!"
"^#barf dictTest!
^#foo dictTest!
^#quem dictTest!"
"^2 arrayTest!"
"^nil atest2!"
" ^$C = ('FUBAR' at: 3) !"
"^1000 counter !"
"^16rA + 16rA !
^$C !
^#foo:bar:baz: !
^'this is a test string
I wonder how this will print' !"
"100000 timer!"
"^3 < 4 ifTrue: [^#foobar] !"
!Boolean methodsFor: 'test'!
quem: bar juma: baz
bar _ #foon:barn:.
baz _ 3.
true when: [3 < (Smalltalk at: #foo)] do: #quem:bar:.
Smalltalk at: #foo put: 3
!String methodsFor: 'your mother'!
xxx: arg
self < arg ifTrue: [^false].
(self = arg and: [arg + 1 > 3]) ifTrue: [^#foo]
"playing with dates!Date methodsFor: 'rambo'!
computeDateParts: aBlock
| trialYearInteger yearInteger tempDays monthIndex daysInMonth offset |
trialYearInteger _ (days // 365).
offset _ (trialYearInteger // 4) - (trialYearInteger // 100) + (trialYearInteger // 400).
""yearInteger print.
' Days: ' print. days print.
' year ' print. (yearInteger * 365) print.
' offset ' print. offset printNl.""
yearInteger _ trialYearInteger.
tempDays _ days - (yearInteger * 365).
'>>> Days: ' print. tempDays print.
' offset ' print. offset printNl.
tempDays < offset
"" (days - offset) < (yearInteger * 365)""
ifTrue: [ yearInteger _ yearInteger - 1 ]
ifFalse: [ tempDays _ tempDays - offset ].
yearInteger _ (days - offset) // 365.
yearInteger = trialYearInteger
ifTrue: [ tempDays _ tempDays - offset ].""
yearInteger _ yearInteger + 1901.
monthIndex _ 1.
[ monthIndex < 12
and: [ daysInMonth _ Date daysInMonthIndex: monthIndex
forYear: yearInteger.
tempDays >= daysInMonth ] ] whileTrue:
[ monthIndex _ monthIndex + 1.
tempDays _ tempDays - daysInMonth ].
^aBlock value: yearInteger value: monthIndex value: tempDays + 1